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Research Support

Discover the wide range of information and resources available to support your research goals as a member of the Penn research community.

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OVPR Reporting Offices

A comprehensive list of research support offices reporting to the Senior Vice Provost for Research.

Find Answers to Common Questions

Who is eligible to use the systems and services offered by PARCC?

PARCC is a centralized resource for the University of Pennsylvania and any researcher at Penn can use its systems and services. 

What kind of support will PARCC offer?
PARCC will have a support team consisting of technical specialists (technical support and maintenance) and technical consultants (experts in specific disciplines related to Penn research) to assist with the transition and integration between research computation activities in the data center and research computation activities in the public cloud. Assisting researchers using the appropriate computational and storage tools will result in cost and performance efficiencies.
What training is required by the university for postdoc appointments?
Postdocs should complete the responsible conduct of research (RCR) training. There will be training required for specific kinds of research and they should discuss with their faculty mentor as well as explore the offices relavant to their research (e.g. IRB, Biosafety, etc).
How long is the typical postdoc appointment?
Postdocs can be appointed for one year at a time and for up to five years, depending on prior experience. Information on appointments can be reviewed in the postdoctoral policy.
How can I get started on a research project that involves community members?
The Community Engagement Research Core (part of ITMAT) is a resource at Penn that offers “consultation on community engagement, training in participatory research methods, and assistance with community translation activities”.
What is PennERA?
PennERA (electronic research administration) is a suite of web based applications to manage research administration tasks including proposal development, proposal tracking, human subjects and/or lab animal management, and idenitfying funding opportunities through the SPIN database.