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Penn Research Agreement Negotiation Tree

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What office will be negotiating my agreement?

Step 1: Is the outside party a government agency or non-profit entity? If no, continue to Step 2.

If yes: The agreement will be negotiated by the Office of Research Services.


Step 2: Is the agreement related to an industry-funded human clinical trial or other research that requires informed consent for study subjects? If no, continue to Step 3.

If yes: The agreement will be negotiated by the Clinical Trial Contracting Unit in the Office of Clinical Research


Step 3: Is the agreement a research-related agreement (e.g., funding, material transfer, data use) with a commercial entity?

The agreement will be negotiated by the Penn Center for Innovation.


What system should I use for my Agreement Request?

Is this a grant or contract with funds coming to Penn?

If yes: Agreement should be entered by the PI or BA into PennERA.

If no: Agreement should be entered by the PI or BA into the Research Inventory System.

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