Dealing With Data
Best practices and resources to strategically approach data design, management and analysis.
Top Resources for Dealing With Data
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is PARCC located?
The exact location of PARCC is yet to be determined, but will be in the mid atlantic region to provide a highly responsive experience from campus
What kind of training is available?
Initially, we will have a knowledge base to help users get started. As we build out capabilities, we hope to introduce more thorough training options. Please email with any specific questions.
What support services will be available?
We aim to offer support surrounding your research journey using the PARCC system. As we build out capabilities, we will have more explicit support offerings. Please email with any specific questions.
When will PARCC be available?
PARCC aims to be operational in Spring 2025.
How much will it cost to use the Cluster?
We are working to find a model that will enable the growth of the center while being financially responsible for our researchers to utilize. We will provide guidance for common cost comparisons around the university. Sign up for our mailing list to stay updated!
Until PARCC is available, can I purchase equipment to use now and merge it when it’s ready?
Yes! While we don’t know exactly what this will look like yet, we are planning on supporting these sort of options. Please reach out to and your School IT department to coordinate with the latest information.
Who will be able to use the PARCC HPC cluster?
PARCC will have a phased approach with a pilot during 2025 and opening up for more general availability to Penn researchers after the pilot is completed.
How do I know my data is secure?
Data security is very important to us at PARCC. We are working with our vendors and ISC Compliance office to ensure that we have robust data security. Details on security and compliance specifications will follow.
If I have a question about PARCC, whom do I contact?
Please contact us at