Pew Scholars in the Biomedical Sciences
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General Information
Program Description
The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program supports the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in the first three years of their appointment at the assistant professor level. Candidates should demonstrate outstanding promise as contributors to science relevant to human health. Strong proposals will incorporate particularly creative and pioneering approaches to basic, translational, and applied biomedical research.
Schools may submit one (1) application for Penn’s internal competition.
- Appointment: As of September 3, 2025, nominees must hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor. (Appointments such as Research Assistant Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor Research Track, Visiting Professor, or Instructor are not eligible.)
- Career Stage: Candidates must not have been appointed as an assistant professor at any institution prior to June 11, 2021, whether or not such an appointment was on a tenure track. Time spent in clinical internships, residencies, in work toward board certification, or on parental leave does not count as part of this four-year limit. Candidates who took parental leave should contact Pew’s program office to ensure that application reviewers are aware of their circumstances.
- Degree: Applicants must hold an MD and/or Ph.D. degree in biomedical sciences, medicine, or a related field, including engineering or the physical sciences.
- COVID-19 Considerations: Eligibility criteria have been temporarily expanded to account for COVID-related lab shutdowns and research disruptions. This extension will end after this upcoming application cycle. Beginning next year, the eligibility window for the 2027 grant will revert to the three-year period.
- Nomination Limit: Candidates may be nominated by their institution a maximum of two times.
- Institutional Application: If an applicant’s university has more than one eligible nominating institution or campus, that applicant may only apply from one institution; they may not reapply in a subsequent year from a different one. Faculty based at CHOP must apply through the hospital.
- Program Exclusivity: Candidates may not be nominated for the Pew Scholars Program and the Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research in the same year.
- Funding Compatibility: Funding from the NIH, other government sources, and project grants from non-profit associations do not pose a conflict with the Pew Scholars Program.
- Contact Information: Please direct any questions to the program office at
- For any sponsored research projects, the applicant must be eligible to serve as Principal Investigator for the project, unless otherwise noted in the LSO. Please see Penn’s PI Eligibility requirements to ensure you are eligible.
Award Information
- A total research award of $300,000 over four (4) years.
- Grant Agreements: Issued in August of the award year.
- Funding Usage: Funds may be used for personnel, equipment, supplies, or travel related to the scholar’s research.
- Salary Support: Maximum of $12,500 per year for the scholar’s salary (including benefits).
- Indirect Costs: Up to 8% ($24,000) of the total award for facilities and administration (F&A) charges or indirect costs (IDCs).
- Research Commitment: Pew scholars are expected to spend at least 80% of their time on research goals, but Pew does not monitor or restrict this effort.
Limited Submission Opportunities Protocol
What is a Limited Submission Opportunity? When a funding agency or foundation limits the number of applications Penn can submit, the OVPR manages a two-part internal review process to select the proposal that advances to the funder.
What is the Review Process for Limited Submissions? The selection process begins at the school level, where candidates are vetted to choose a finalist for the OVPR round. Applicants must follow their home school’s deadlines and submission instructions. A committee of reviewers then recommends candidates to the Senior Vice Provost, who selects the final nominee.
Where do I find out about limited submission opportunities on the OVPR website? The newly designed website lists LSOs. Use the filters on the left to refine your search. Opportunities are listed in summary form. Click on the title of an opportunity to see the full details.
How do I apply? When the full detail page for the opportunity is open, click the “APPLY HERE” button at the bottom right of the screen. This starts your application process using InfoReady. Log in with your PennKey credentials. After you submit your application, InfoReady processes it for the first round of review at your school. If selected as the Penn nominee, you will be notified directly and will begin the submission process to the funder with the Office of Research Services and PennERA.