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Agilent Early Career Professor Award 2024

General Information

Program Description

The purpose of the Agilent Early Career Professor Award (AECPA) is to promote and encourage research excellence on topics of importance to Agilent and the world, establish strong collaborative relationships with emerging academic leaders early in their careers; and build the prominence of Agilent as a sponsor of university research.


Schools may submit one (1) application for Penn’s internal competition.


  • Position: Must hold a tenure-track faculty position. Research associates, research professors, adjunct professors, etc., are not eligible.
  • Experience: Must have completed a Ph.D. or M.D. residency within 12 years of the award year. Extensions may be considered under certain circumstances.
  • Focus Topic: The candidate’s research must align with the annual focus topic. For 2024, the focus is on contributions to environmental sustainability through the development of green analytical technologies, methods, or laboratory environments.
  • For any sponsored research projects, the applicant must be eligible to serve as Principal Investigator for the project, unless otherwise noted in the LSO. Please see Penn’s PI Eligibility requirements to ensure you are eligible. 

Award Information

  • A total unrestricted research award of $120,000 over two (2) years is to be distributed to a university in the professor’s name. 
  • Product Discount: Option to use all or part of the award to obtain Agilent products at a 50% discount.
  • Accelerated Payments: Option to accelerate payments for equipment with a list price over $120,000.
  • Additional Benefits:
    • The winner will receive an engraved plaque commemorating the award, presented in a suitable ceremony.
    • The winner is invited to make a presentation at an Agilent site, with expenses covered by Agilent.
    • The winner’s name, photo, and research highlights will be featured on the AECPA website.

Limited Submission Opportunities Protocol 

What is a Limited Submission Opportunity? When a funding agency or foundation limits the number of applications Penn can submit, the OVPR manages a two-part internal review process to select the proposal that advances to the funder. 

What is the Review Process for Limited Submissions? The selection process begins at the school level, where candidates are vetted to choose a finalist for the OVPR round. Applicants must follow their home school’s deadlines and submission instructions. A committee of reviewers then recommends candidates to the Senior Vice Provost, who selects the final nominee. 

Where do I find out about limited submission opportunities on the OVPR website? The newly designed website lists LSOs. Use the filters on the left to refine your search. Opportunities are listed in summary form. Click on the title of an opportunity to see the full details. 

How do I apply? When the full detail page for the opportunity is open, click the “APPLY HERE” button at the bottom right of the screen. This starts your application process using InfoReady. Log in with your PennKey credentials. After you submit your application, InfoReady processes it for the first round of review at your school. If selected as the Penn nominee, you will be notified directly and will begin the submission process to the funder with the Office of Research Services and PennERA.